
Hawker 1000

Midsize Jets

The Hawker 1000 provides an exceptional balance of comfort, speed and a range of 3,440 miles. This jet can provide ample room seating on long flights for 8 to 9 passengers and has a cabin that is equipped with all of the communication technology a 21st century business executive needs to function at full capacity while cruising at 37,000 feet. The Hawker 1000 is exactly what it claims to be, an economical and consistent private jet that will deliver reliable performance over long distances, guaranteed.

Class: Midsize Jet

Passengers: 8 to 9 (depending upon cabin configuration)

Range: 3,440 Miles

Speed: 521 MPH

Cruising Altitude: 37,000 feet

Cabin Height: 5ft 9in

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